Brussels sprouts and bacon pizza will revolutionize Friday pizza night.
Your children (well…definitely mine) would probably have a cow over the thought of putting brussels sprouts in pizza…so the solution to that is none for them, more for you. It’s a win win (just don’t tell them about the bacon part…that could win them over and then you may have to share). It is a tad labor intensive, removing the leaves from the brussels sprouts. But let me tell you, your hard work will not be done in vain. I promise you that. You will love this pizza so much that you will make it time and time again. It is my husband’s most requested pizza. We have been making this pizza for many years. We used to make it weekly. Now with two kids, delivery has become a Friday staple in our house. And when we do make this pizza, we don’t share…sorry kids. Mike and I can polish off a whole pizza on our own. My children would probably just pick off the bacon. Maybe their palates will become more sophisticated as they get older. They are only three and two, after all. And life with a three and two year old…well that is a post on its own that I will save for another day…not sure when that will be. Amid the sheer craziness that surrounds my life everyday (full-time teacher, mom of two toddlers), I foresee my blog writing taking me into the late hours of the night into the early morning. I have to burn the midnight oil. I digress…back to brussels sprout pizza.
This pizza screams fall to me. There is nothing I love more on a cool crisp autumn day, than making a delicious homemade pizza. It pairs nice with a lovely light red, like Pinot Noir (this is my favorite red so you may notice me recommending it a lot) or a Nero d’Avola. However, if the mood strikes me, I would also have a nice oaky Chardonnay with it. Actually, if the mood strikes me I would also add caramelized onions to this pizza. I will put them in the recipe as optional. This pizza is delicious without them, but honestly, in my humble opinion, caramelized onions make everything better.
And don’t forget to use your pizza stone. This really makes all the difference. There is just something about the pizza stone that gets the crust nice and crispy. I use this one.
I hope you enjoy this pizza! Leave me a comment and let me know how it is.
Brussel Sprout Pizza
Prep time: 25 minutes
Bake time: 12 minutes
Servings: 4
Pizza dough
1 container mascarpone (8 oz?)
1 container brussel sprouts
6 slices bacon
Handful flour
2 teaspons minced fresh thyme
Pinch of salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
- Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.
- Start by prepping the ingredients.
- Take a sharp knife (or scissor) and cut the bacon into ½ inch pieces.
- Cut the woody part off of each brussel sprout and take the leaves off. This part is a bit time consuming. Put them in a bowl.
- Mince the thyme and mix it with the mascarpone cheese. Add a pinch of salt and freshly ground black pepper.
- Put a medium fry pan over medium high heat. Cook the bacon, about 5-6 minutes. When the bacon is cooked, transfer to a paper towel. Discard the bacon grease.
- Dust a handful of flour on your board or clean countertop and roll out the pizza dough with a rolling pin to your desired shape. I usually make the traditional circular pizza.
- Take a pastry brush and spread one tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil on top. This makes the dough a little bit crispier, in my experience. It is not a necessary step, but I always do it.
- Spread the mascarpone mixture over the top of the dough, leaving an inch around the edges for the crust.
- Add the cooked bacon on top of the mascarpone, followed by the brussel sprouts.
- Bake in the oven for 10-12. Pizza is done when the crust is slightly browned and crispy. The brussel sprouts will be slightly charred.
- Let rest for 10 minutes. Slice and enjoy!